Monday, January 31, 2011

Family Update!

I am not sure why one would have a blog and never update. It has been a long time since we have let any of you know the happenings in the Porter family. Since our last blog, almost a year ago, we have been back to Haiti, Lisa has started back to school working on an nursing degree, Douglas has gotten engaged to a wonderful young lady Kristen Kern, Hallie is in her last year in college and is very interested in a young man fron Arkansas named Daniel, and I am still Pastoring. Doesn't sound like much on paper but it has a been a fun and often times a hectic ride. We have enjoyed every minute, good and bad. God is good all the time.
So often in our walk with Jesus we only want to follow when we know the path is what we like to call safe, and we have a full understanding of all that is happening and will happen. If that is your desire you cannot follow Jesus. One thing that Jesus has taught me again this past year is that I will never understand all He wants to do in and through me and my family, and that I must walk in complete trust and obedience with Him. His call is radical and it is all for His glory.
I promise to be better about updates.
Because of Jesus,

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sorry it has been so long since we posted. It has been a busy month. Hallie got back safe and sound from New York. She had an awesome trip. Jesus is doing some incredible things in New York city. Douglas is coming home this weekend for a quick visit. It will be good to see him. We are also preparing for Easter and a busy summer. I know each of you have well made plans. The question we ask are they God's plans. Hope each of you have a great weekend.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Be in prayer this week for Hallie and the BCM group from North Georgia College and State University. They are in New York on mission working with East 7th Baptist Church, aka the Graffiti Church. Check out their website at They are going to have an awesome week. Thanks for the prayers.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Pray for Doug's friend Molene. Molene is a Haitian police and had been a tranlator for Doug on his frst trips to Haiti. Molene and Doug had spent a lot of time together on past trips. He is still missing. Pray for his family!
Today our friend Etzer Thomas left to return to Haiti. Pray for him...right about now he should be in Dominican Repiblic and will travel into Haiti tomorrow. He is traveling with his aunt who lives there. She was in the US for a family wedding during the time of the earthquake. Doug and Etzer checked on her house while we were there and is was badly damaged. She has been told that she is not going to be able to live there but she has to see it for herself. Pray for her as she returns home, to a place that has changed drastically since she left. Her house is in Port-Au-Prince. Bless her heart...she is in her 80's...this is her house and her life...cannot even imagine! Pray for God to direct their every step! Pray for Etzer as he helps out his brother who lives there and lost everything but his life and his wife's life. He and his wife are living on the street, just like everyone else. He is a pastor there and has asked for help...Is God calling you to go and help him? Just keep praying for our brothers and sisters in Haiti! goodnite!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No rest for my soul...

For the past few weeks...I cannot find rest in my soul. I sleep well at night and my body feels rested but deep down...way way down there is a restlessness. There is an urgency in my soul that I do not understand right now and I cannot shake. I just want to make sure that I share this in a way that allows God to move in your life and speak to your heart and confirms to you that time is short. We are closer to His return than we were yesterday... ARE YOU READY?...BE READY! Are we ready for our worlds to be rocked? If we were stripped of everything what would we have left? Our relationship with Jesus can't be a passing hobby...I must be a consuming force! Don't let the distractions of this temporary world clutter your mind and waste your time. God keeps on speaking to me and reaffirming my restlessness. The restless urgency I feel is unbelievable. I have shared this with Doug and I share it with you prayerfully and for God to do what ever He needs to do with it in you life as He is using this restlessness to make me thirst for Him and seek after Him. Anne Graham Lotz posted a statement on her facebook site and it helps to explain my thoughts and feelings...("The night is coming when no one can work." John 9:4 -- The certainty of the coming "night" should motivate us to reschedule our "day" so that it is fully and eternally productive... from Anne Graham Lotz)

;;;If my people, who are called by My name, humble themselves and pray...

This is part of a note sent from Marie and Elizabeth at El Shaddai Childrens Home in Dessources, Haiti (just outside of Port-Au-Prince).
"...Dessources continues to serve the Lord. We have a service almost every night. Many people attend each night and they cry out to the Lord. Their worship is sweet and they have spent much time on their knees repenting for themselves and their country. Please continue to pray with us. We will be fasting with the country on February 12, 13, & 14. This fast is specifically for repentance for the country of Haiti. We are trusting God to rebuild Haiti for His glory.
Please continue to pray that we will always be in God’s perfect will. May God bless you!
We love you, Marie and Elizabeth
Verses of the year for El Shaddai: 1 Peter 2:1-3 & 1 Chronicles 4:10

Please direct donations for El Shaddai Ministries to:

Marie K. Prinvil

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

God is at work in our world. We just need to join Him in His work. So many have never heard about Jesus and His love. We need to pray, give all, and go! I received this story today from Haiti and it made my heart rejoice.
This witch doctor lives down the road past where Job lives in Dessource. Too far to walk so Savoir took Marie and Elizabeth and not sure who else. His girlfriend has been coming to church and praying for him to accept Jesus. She told Maire he was ready so they went to see him. He fell on his knees and prayed for Jesus to come in his heart so he would not keep "running in the darkness". He had a huge smile on his face and Elizabeth said it was amazing the change in him so fast.
He then wanted to burn all his stuff. So for the next hour he and his son piled the stuff up out side the temple. Wooden carvings, sticks and stuff that means something, dug up the bottles buried around the yard where the spirits live and set it all on fire!!! People had gathered to watch. His name is Brunell. Elizabeth said it was soo amazing. A God appointment.

Please share this with all you know and pray for Brunell.